Iceland strives toward closing the Gender Gap - with Brynhildur, Secretary General of Icelandic Women's Rights Association

Line Gessø Season 1 Episode 19

Iceland is the most gender equal country in the world – for the 12th time in a row they are number one – according to the Global Gender Gap report 2021 by World Economic Forum. Denmark has in comparison moved from a 14th place to number 29. What can we learn from Iceland and how can we move toward a more feministic and equal society? Iceland has made an equal 

I’m talking to Brynhildur Heiðar- og Ómarsdóttir, Secretary General of Icelandic Women's Rights Association.

Island er for 12. Gang det mest ligestillede land i verden. Til sammenligning er Danmark flyttet fra en 14. plads til en 29. plads. Alle andre nordiske lande ligger i top fem på listen. Hvad kan vi lære af Island – jeg taler med Brynhildur, direktør for den islandske organisation for kvinders rettigheder. 

Link to information about the equal pay standard: https://kvenrettindafelag.is/en/resources/equal-pay-standard/

And to the report of Global Gender Gap 2021: https://www.weforum.org/reports/global-gender-gap-report-2021